Natalie Tutoring

Natalie Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


I absolutely love learning new things and science is my passion! I'm a biology student and am always interested in new things about our world! I have lots of experience with AP classes and am very excited to help:)

I love helping others as that is something that I would to incorporate in my future career. I also seeing my students succeed and feel proud of themselves!


Serves Vernon Hills , IL
Offers online services


Grade level

High school, College / graduate school


Chemistry, Biology

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Frequently asked questions

First I would like to get to know you and your passions, then I would ask you about your preferred method of studying and goals. Next, I would ask how I can help you succeed in your studies.

I have a high school diploma, experience in AP courses, English grammar tutoring, and am currently a undergraduate biology student.


I first started teaching an elementary school student English grammar rules in 2020.

Elementary students, High school/AP students.

Exploring World Disney with my family in Orlando, Florida. I remember first landing in the beautiful city and heading to the Disney hotel. I love experiencing all the different park and activities!

Ask them about their experience and passion regarding the subject!

What is it that you're looking for when reaching out to a tutor?

is there something specific you need to catch up on?

are you behind in school?

what are your goals? What do you like?

Services offered
