Joseph's Social Studies Tutoring
As an educator I will deepen students' learning by teaching what I call 3-Dimensional Social Studies. This approach to teaching includes combining all elements of Social Studies as well as outside resources. Due to my diverse background and 3-Dimensional teaching philosophy it exposes students to many diverse Social Studies related sub disciplines. This includes Geographic Information Systems and Cartography, which is a great way to implement STEM into Social Studies curriculums. During my student teaching experience this helped me succeed not only in connecting with students but also making Social Studies come alive using the online format. One way I have created student focused lessons is by linking students prior knowledge, learning, personal culture, and community assets. I have also incorporated the city’s and community’s history when appropriate to better help students interpret United States history. I determine students' learning needs by evaluating their growth and the quality of work throughout the semester. With that being said one principle that guides my educational philosophy is valuing process over product. Two common questions I ask myself when creating lessons is “Does this lesson maximize learning potential?” as well as “Can my students complete this by themselves?”. I would prefer students to understand the content rather than fly through everything because I have other things planned. I can adjust and adapt my lessons to better fit the class pace.