Expert Software Development professional with advanced programming background in the application ofstructured languages. Independent thinker and organizer. Goal- oriented Software Development consultant withadvanced development methodologies necessary to develop cutting-edge software applications.
Java Software Developer
Company Name
Dates EmployedJun 2019 – Aug 2019Employment Duration3 mos
Gmail and Smart Compose
• Contributed in the Integration of Artificial Intelligence to complete the message automatically in Gmail application.
• Contribute in the Integration of G-Pay with the Gmail, so that user can see their transaction history on Gmail.
• Backend development on the quality analytic teams for the real time communications apps, which include Hangout, Meet etc.
Research Assistant
Company Name
DePaul Robotics & Medical Engineering Lab
Dates EmployedApr 2019 – Jun 2019Employment Duration3 mos
Courses: Advanced Java III, Software Engineering, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science I & II, Optimization of C++.
Assigned RA in Spring 2019; led weekly presentation on Designing of Android Application.
Quality Analyst
Company Name
UnitedHealth Group
Dates EmployedMay 2017 – Nov 2018Employment Duration1 yr 7 mos
LocationGurgaon, India
• Develop tools and application to automate and support application.
• Contributed in the Java Based chatbot System and provided postproduction support of software deployed.
• Assisted Quality Assurance Engineers in issue Identification, isolation and remediation issues during formal QA cycles.
• Quality/process Improvement—participated in group improvement and initiatives to improve process and product quality in the pursuit of excellence
DePaul University College of Computing and Digital Media
Degree NameMaster of Science - MS
Field Of StudyComputer Science
Dates attended or expected graduation2019 – 2020
Pursuing Master in Computer Science~ major concentration is Software Engineering and minor concentration is computational method i.e. Data Science
course I have taken yet ~ Data visualization (project based on Visualization ~ We approached the business problem with the simple question...
“If this was our company data, where would we spend our money?”)
Fundamental of Data Science ~ project( classification on Click through Rate)
Database Technology ~
Data Analytics & Design ~
Advanced Machine learning Technique~
Army Public school
Degree Name12th
Field Of Studyscience stream with math and biology both
Dates attended or expected graduation2010 – 2013
● Regional Mathematics Olympiad winner (Bengaluru) Year 2011.
● International mathematics Olympiad Bronze medal winner (Amsterdam , Netherlands) Year 2011.
● Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) - All India Rank 1 holder in Year 2012.
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See 1 endorsement for Java1
sujeet panwar has given an endorsement for this skill
See 1 endorsement for Python1
Ke Feng has given an endorsement for this skill
Machine Learning
See 1 endorsement for Machine Learning1
sujeet panwar has given an endorsement for this skill
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sujeet panwar
January 24, 2019, sujeet was Aakash’s mentor
Aakash is a talented software professional who has excellentknowledge on his domain and he has a deep understanding onthe technical aspects of the product he works on. He hasconsistently been a good performer and always been appreciatedfor his good work. I wish him all the very best for his ... See more
Akash Chaudhary
Full Stack Developer/ Web developer
October 15, 2018, Akash was senior to Aakash but didn’t manage directly
I have known Aakash as one of my key employee for almost 6months , i first go to know him when he help us a developsoftware system in cs department at a university of Delhi, on thatproject i was impressed by his initiative and his thirst forknowledge . he also showed strong analytical and pr... See more