English Essay/Shakespeare & Theatre Focused Tutoring
I have a degree in Theatre and World Communication and always had a passion for teaching and the written word. I have traveled the world learning about other cultures and cultivating new wisdom and knowledge that allows me to work with all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds. This inclues having experience with and am comfortable working with students struggling with ADHD and high functioning Autism.
I volunteer taught for two years as a middle school theatre teacher and often helped my students with english and history essays and understanding. Many of these students still reach out to me for edit assistance. I have helped many students with college admission essays and honors essays, all of which being accepted into their desired programs.
I look forward to working with students from 6th grade up to college freshman or those wishing to return to college at any age and require assitance with admissions from essays to college prep. I focus in essay writing, editing, and formatting, as well as reading understanding (finding importance/understanding and reading for information), and understanding the works of William Shakespeare. In the world of theatre/spoken performance, I will gladly work with students from 6th through 12th grade for deeper understanding of plays, audition assistance and spoken vocalization for speach and performance.
I was alwasy that "weird" student who loved essays; essays and Shakespeare. I have alwasy loved editing and formatting any form of the written word, from fiction/stories to essays of any kind, including college admission essays.
When I was volunteer teaching, my favorite thing was to watch my students grow and be able to accomplish things they never thought possible. Though I taught theatre/music theatre, there are many parallels to other sectors of education. In performance we connect with written symbolism and ideology as well as the historical significance background. When reading into certain forms of literature, it can be helpful to step back from the traditional forms that are expected in English classes and look at the art of it to find the true significance of what is written. This is where my love of Literature and History based essays thrive.
If you are looking for a laid-back tutor who loves what she does and looks at things such as Shakespeare from a fresh and theatrical standpoint, I'm the tutor for you! Like many, I struggled with figuring out how to be a good student; now that I've figured it out I hope to share it with others!
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
When working with a new student, I like to talk with them and get to know them as a person. The best way to help someone write or perform as their best is to know how they think and operate. If working with them on written work, I like to read some of their past work to see what we are starting with and then move forward from there. If the student is wishing for performance (theatrical) help, I will administer a simple scene or monologue to run through with them to see where they stand based on what they are wishing to achieve in the sessions.
My number one goal is to get to know the students and allow them to be able to open up with me so that they can truly bring forth their best work.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have a BA in Theatre & World Communication; both of which require and include a fierce knowledge and understanding of history, literature, and human connection. These subjects all come together to help one learn how to format and create written works from stories to essays, both expository and persuasive in style and more.
On top of my own knowledge and experience with creating these forms of essays, I spent two years as a volunteer middle school theatre teacher, teaching me how to work with students of all learning backgrounds. I am patient and understanding and I know I can help students of all ages grow into their best self on paper.
Over the years I have helped several peers and students create essays from typical class assignments to cover letters and college prep/admissions essays. I am able to break down the formatting of an essay to help my students find their flow in writing essays of all styles. By breaking down what is needed in each essay, we can focus on each needed aspect one at a time and bring forth a strong paper.
Everyone I have worked with on college admissions essays has been accepted into their chosen program and most if not all who have come to me for assistance on cover letters have recieved the next step in the hiring process for the employer they wish to work with.
Each student has a strength and my job is to find and highlight it so that they can push forward with stronger written work. From these basic formats to proper MLA style, my students will find these strengths in no time.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Essay proofing & editing: $25 flat rate based on number of pages
Essay formatting & basic organization (overview/ lesson): $35 - 50 per hour based on complexity of materials
SAT Essay Prep: $65 per hour
College Admission Essays: Minimun 2 sessions. 1st session - $35 per hour; includes outlining, planning/brainstorming, and cultivating. 2nd session - $25 per hour; inclues essay editing, vocabulary enhancement, and reworking. Additional sessions for $25 per hour as needed.
Cover Letters: Minimum 2 sessions. 1st session - $40 per hour; includes researching company, conceptualizing goals/ideas, formating, and cultivating. 2nd session - $30 includes editing, vocabulary enhancement, length and format checking, and reworking. Additional sessions for $25 per hour as needed.
MLA Formatting: $35 per hour
Reading Comprehension: $35 - 50 per hour based on complexity of materials
Literature (Shakespeare & other classic playwrites): $35 -50 based on complexity of materials
Theatre Audition prep: $45 per hour (price negotiable based on level of audition)
Speech/ Spoken Performance: $35 per hour
How did you get started teaching?
I found my love of teaching way back when I was a little girl. I had a little sister who was five years younger than me and I loved teaching her the things I was learning in my own classes. As I grew older, I joined the Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) at my high school and took an educators class as my career focused class senior year. During this time I student taught at both the local elementary school teaching music and the middle school teaching and directing theatre with students ages K - 8th grade.
After completing my Bachelors, I returned to the middle school I student taught at and became a voluneer assistive teacher. My role at the school was to cast and direct all musical theatre competition pieces and choreograph all musicals. In between shows and competitions, I often created and taught lessons for practical theatre and how to audition and expand as a young actor on stage. Many of these lessons ranged from improvisation acting to dialects and stage movement. I spent much of my two years there teaching the students how to come out of their shell and find their creative side so they could expand in other parts of their studies.
While working with these young students I was often asked for assistance with English papers and even stories they wrote in their free time. I found a love for helping these young writers cultivate their creative energy into something they could share with the world. This brought around a want to help others with writing from story editing to essay formatting and proofing of all levels.
What types of students have you worked with?
I have worked with students of all ages and backgrounds, K - 12th grade and one or two adult learners wishing to go back to school. I also have experience with students struggling with ADHA as well as those with high functioning Autism.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
I am here to help and support you. I will do my best to get to know you and understand you in a way that we can both grow and better ourselves in what we do. I am patient and layed back and I know what it's like to struggle in school.
I was by no means the best student as I struggled to find what worked best for me in the form of studying. I experienced my own struggle with testing anxiety, like many students do, and I have learned how to push past that to be the best writer and student of English Literature and Art. Yes, I am still a student; we all are. We never stop learning, we just grow into cultivators of our passions.
If you are looking for someone to help you with any level of essay work, reading comprehension, Shakespeare, or even theatre, but want someone who understands the struggle and will help you work through it, then I'm the tutor for you. Take a deep breath, your best is yet to come!
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
What are their strengths and what are their weaknesses?
What do they want out of a session?
What is it the teacher can do to help/to better understand?
Where do they think they struggle with understanding the concepts at hand?
What is their reason to be there? (Not their parents', but their own reasons)
Are they really ready to accept help?
Above all else, they need to think and be honest with themselves and not be afraid to do so.