Biology Tutoring (high School)- Certified Teacher

Biology Tutoring (high School)- Certified Teacher

Offers online services
Offers online services


I am a certified Biology teacher with over six years experience teaching honors Biology, and I am Gifted Certified.

I will also provide test preparation and make myself available for any immediate concerns or questions about assignments via phone.

I absolutely love when I see my students go from struggling with the subject to excelling in advance of their peers. It is the best part of tutoring.


1 employee
5 years in business
Serves Atlanta , GA
Offers online services

Payment methods

Cash, Apple Pay, Zelle


Grade level

High school


Biology, Anatomy, Astronomy

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Frequently asked questions

My process begins with an assessment of your grades and to have a discussion with you about how you would like to improve and your goals. Next I will review your teachers syllabus and state standards. Then I will individually prepare lessons that will enable you to reach those goals, whether it be improving your grade, clearing up confusion on topics, or performing better on exams.

Masters Degree in Science Education at Georgia State University

Bachelors Degree in Life Science Education at Bates College

Six years as a certified Biology teacher and Environmental Science Educator

Standard pricing is $50 an hour.

Services offered
