My techniques come from years of experience managing a serious ESL program and teaching hundreds of (basic to advanced-academic) language students. My methodology is based on total immersion and ultimately a disciplined approach to learning. My courses are engaging and fun, but demand serious participation and diligence. When students complete my program(s), their proficiency and confidence has improved dramatically, and they are able to continue developing and learning into the future by themselves. This makes learning English more effective and overall less costly.
I am by nature an altruistic person, always wanting to make people happy by giving them the best of what I have to offer. As an instructor, I deeply enjoy the process of teaching and bettering communication... and the relationships that come from the experiences. The most rewarding aspect of my profession is that students are able to take what they've learned in a course and continue developing themselves without the need of another teacher. To put it simply, I help them build the tools they need to teach themselves. This is a core aspect of what makes my job so impactful and the reason it can bring me so much joy.
Photos and videos

Doris M.
Adriana M.
Angelica M.
Andrea S.
Marisol M.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I analyze a student's proficiency through a professional, accredited placement exam, which assesses all 4 English skills (Grammar, Listening, Reading/Writing, and Speaking and Pronunciation). I then use the results to place them into 1 of 5 levels of instruction and proceed with the course as directed by a specially designed curriculum (syllabi-based). Each placement exam takes roughly 50 minutes to complete and is highly accurate.