Ace Tutoring

Ace Tutoring



One-on-one tutoring can quickly help students achieve high levels of fluency and literacy in both oral and written language. Having taught students, from remedial English classes to high level college bound English classes, I have a good understanding of the needs of most students. My 30 years of teaching English has broadened my skills. I especially enjoy tutoring one-on-one as the results are so quickly visible. Let me be your coach, someone who will teach you and motivate you and affirm your growth!

I believe that the relationships that are built in tutoring are the best thing about my job. It is always fun to see the growth that students make as well.


6 years in business
Serves Longwood , FL

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Frequently asked questions

During our first meeting, I do a lot of listening, trying to elicit the goals of my students.  I also like to learn a little bit about them.  What do they enjoy doing in their free time?  What sports or activities do they enjoy?  Where do they work?

I will then start working towards meeting their goals, even during our first session.  I want my students to feel that they have gotten a wonderful tutoring session each and every time.  

I have taught English, Social Studies and/or French for over 30 years in the middle school and high school levels, grades 7-12.  I've also taught Adult Education and have tutored individuals privately.

Services offered
