Crest Educational

Crest Educational

Offers online services
Offers online services


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Crest Educational is an experienced tutoring center. We are family owned and operated. Our sessions are individualized and tailored to meet the needs of each of our students. We have different tutors to meet the different needs of our clients.

Our students become family to us. We care about all of their needs because we want to work with the whole child and not just one aspect of them. We've learned that mental health and physical health have a huge impact on academic success. One of our tutors is a personal trainer and helps with teaching the kids about how to fuel their bodies to have the highest brain function. It's the whole child we care about at Crest Educational.


4 employees
15 years in business
Serves Yalesville , CT
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Square

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    Ask this tutor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    We start with a free consultation to come up with a plan of action. During this consultation, we determine the number of sessions and need. We see the student for 1-3hrs per week depending on what we are meeting the student for. The schedule is dtermined and then the sessions begin!  

    Services offered

    Social Sciences
    Reading And Writing Tutoring
    Test Prep Tutoring