Summit Coaching Solutions provides comprehensive academic coaching for high school,college,graduate and professional school students.
We specialize in exam preparation including our highly aclaimed Starting Point RN program that combines NCLEX review with career coaching and the option of completing Health Coach Certification through our partner company, Health Coach Alliance.
Planning to enter graduate school or applying to Medical School or PA program? Summit's MCAT , GRE and GMAT preparation insures you'll achieve your highest possible score and we will provide academic coaching to optimize your course selection, write the Personal Statements that make Selection Committed talk about your application over lunch, and secure critical recommendations. Then we'll help you prepare for your course work to insure success once.you secure a seat in the school of your choice.
High school students....the most important exam you will take before you go to college is not the SAT or ACT..... It is the PSAT. this you will take in the fall of your junior year and it is the only exam by which National Merit Scholarships are awarded. Summit offers a PSAT boot camp in 2019 will start the first week of August in Colorado Springs and the second week of August online. Investing in strong proven preparation for this exam is the smartest move you can make. A National Merit scholarship can be worth up to $400,000 today... And even if you're going to go to a state college it's worth $160,000. Are PSAT intensive preparation costs just $480. And you can pay it in two installments of $240. Do the math..... Facing this exam has our academic coaches did, ensures that you can go to college debt-free. And because that tells a college that you will have enough money to graduate it will also open doors to schools that you might otherwise not gain admission to based on just your grades.
Are you a junior or senior in high school and needing to take your SAT or ACT exams. Students who have a professional academic coach are three times more likely to gain admission to one of their top five choices for University and those without this great advantage. And it starts with preparation for these exams. Most of our students take the SAT in the winter and spring of the junior year and again during the summer. That way when fall of the senior year rolls around there ready to simply apply to college.with an academic coach you'll have guidance all the way around helping you find the best college for your goals. This is far more than tutoring, and yet it often cost far less.
Maybe you're planning to go to a community college and you have to take the ACCUPLACER. If you do not score high on this exam the classes you take will not give you any academic credit... It'll be like you're throwing away time and money. Community College is a great option even for students who have very high academic ability because it's very inexpensive and it's a great place to earn all A's if you are thinking about medical school or law school or a very competitive graduate program. then you can transfer to a 4-year College to finish your degree. but first no matter who you are you have to take this exam and the ASVAB is very predictable so if you prepare was summit coaching Solutions high enough to earn the right to enter real college classes at the 100 level or higher where you will gain college credit right away. Each community college class will cost you about $1,000 so investing in academic coaching so that you don't have to take remedial classes makes a great deal of financial sense..
Are you planning to enter the US military? Thank you in advance for your future service! Your first step is to take the ASVAB. This is not easy exam at all are academic coaches have analyzed it and we work with recruiters in all branches of the US military so we know what they're looking for not just on the exam but also when you interview with them and in terms of your selection of specialty. increasingly recruiters want to see successful completion of college classes before you enter boot camp and we have access to online courses through straighterline and Colorado State university-global that our students routinely take. because of this you can complete a great deal of material before you register and then minimize the time that you have to pay for these classes which charge tuition by the month. But at the same time you can prepare for your ASVAB exam and your physical fitness testing. the military has some very exciting programmes like blue to Gold where you enlist and then become an officer.
Are you a nursing student?. Or do you want to enter the exciting field of nursing? Starting Point RN, comprehensive program is for you. Here we work with you from the very beginning of your studies weather that is before you enter a College of nursing while you're still doing your prerequisite courses or once you enter. We will ensure you of excellence grades in your coursework and help you plan the completion of projects that will show your future employer but you will be a great contributor from day one. Students in this program begin to prepare for the NCLEX from the very beginning of nursing school weather in an associate degree program a BSN program or an MSN or nursing doctorate direct entry program. Academic and career coaching for the full year after you graduate is included.
EMT and paramedic students...we will walk with you to out your coursework to prepare you for the national registry exam and to prepare you to move from being an EMT to being a paramedic and then helping you as a paramedic challenge the RN NCLEX exam. Did you know that as a paramedic with certification in health coaching you can earn up to $150 an hour? Many of our EMT and paramedic students earn their Health Coach certification through Health Coach Allianceand begin to work as professional health coaches while they're completing the rest of their academic preparation has paramedics. What a great way to rise quickly through the ranks iparamedics score to make your application stand out if you were trying to apply for fire department position.
50% of Americans who enter College do not complete their degrees. Do you have heart of a degree done? Schedule an initial session with summitt coaching Solutions and in that very first two hour work session you'll be good the process of completing that degree regardless of your age how old does credits may be! Don't waste what you began! Let us help you finish it, many times through online education, under the personal guidance of your Academic Coach.
Summitt coaching Solutions leads the nation in providing the highest level of coaching for all eight realms of life.. our academic coaching is just the beginning.
At summit coaching Solutions his to make professional coaching available and affordable for all people.
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..... Take a Coach
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
New academic coaching clients begin with a 2hr working session. We build assessment into every session so no time is wasted.