Summit Coaching Solutions Inc.

Summit Coaching Solutions Inc.

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Summit Coaching Solutions provides comprehensive academic coaching for high school,college,graduate and professional school students.

We specialize in exam preparation including our highly aclaimed Starting Point RN program that combines NCLEX review with career coaching and the option of completing Health Coach Certification through our partner company, Health Coach Alliance.

Planning to enter graduate school or applying to Medical School or PA program? Summit's MCAT , GRE and GMAT preparation insures you'll achieve your highest possible score and we will provide academic coaching to optimize your course selection, write the Personal Statements that make Selection Committed talk about your application over lunch, and secure critical recommendations. Then we'll help you prepare for your course work to insure success secure a seat in the school of your choice.

High school students....the most important exam you will take before you go to college is not the SAT or ACT..... It is the PSAT. this you will take in the fall of your junior year and it is the only exam by which National Merit Scholarships are awarded. Summit offers a PSAT boot camp in 2019 will start the first week of August in Colorado Springs and the second week of August online. Investing in strong proven preparation for this exam is the smartest move you can make. A National Merit scholarship can be worth up to $400,000 today... And even if you're going to go to a state college it's worth $160,000. Are PSAT intensive preparation costs just $480. And you can pay it in two installments of $240. Do the math..... Facing this exam has our academic coaches did, ensures that you can go to college debt-free. And because that tells a college that you will have enough money to graduate it will also open doors to schools that you might otherwise not gain admission to based on just your grades.

Are you a junior or senior in high school and needing to take your SAT or ACT exams. Students who have a professional academic coach are three times more likely to gain admission to one of their top five choices for University and those without this great advantage. And it starts with preparation for these exams. Most of our students take the SAT in the winter and spring of the junior year and again during the summer. That way when fall of the senior year rolls around there ready to simply apply to college.with an academic coach you'll have guidance all the way around helping you find the best college for your goals. This is far more than tutoring, and yet it often cost far less.

Maybe you're planning to go to a community college and you have to take the ACCUPLACER. If you do not score high on this exam the classes you take will not give you any academic credit... It'll be like you're throwing away time and money. Community College is a great option even for students who have very high academic ability because it's very inexpensive and it's a great place to earn all A's if you are thinking about medical school or law school or a very competitive graduate program. then you can transfer to a 4-year College to finish your degree. but first no matter who you are you have to take this exam and the ASVAB is very predictable so if you prepare was summit coaching Solutions high enough to earn the right to enter real college classes at the 100 level or higher where you will gain college credit right away. Each community college class will cost you about $1,000 so investing in academic coaching so that you don't have to take remedial classes makes a great deal of financial sense..

Are you planning to enter the US military? Thank you in advance for your future service! Your first step is to take the ASVAB. This is not easy exam at all are academic coaches have analyzed it and we work with recruiters in all branches of the US military so we know what they're looking for not just on the exam but also when you interview with them and in terms of your selection of specialty. increasingly recruiters want to see successful completion of college classes before you enter boot camp and we have access to online courses through straighterline and Colorado State university-global that our students routinely take. because of this you can complete a great deal of material before you register and then minimize the time that you have to pay for these classes which charge tuition by the month. But at the same time you can prepare for your ASVAB exam and your physical fitness testing. the military has some very exciting programmes like blue to Gold where you enlist and then become an officer.

Are you a nursing student?. Or do you want to enter the exciting field of nursing? Starting Point RN, comprehensive program is for you. Here we work with you from the very beginning of your studies weather that is before you enter a College of nursing while you're still doing your prerequisite courses or once you enter. We will ensure you of excellence grades in your coursework and help you plan the completion of projects that will show your future employer but you will be a great contributor from day one. Students in this program begin to prepare for the NCLEX from the very beginning of nursing school weather in an associate degree program a BSN program or an MSN or nursing doctorate direct entry program. Academic and career coaching for the full year after you graduate is included.

EMT and paramedic students...we will walk with you to out your coursework to prepare you for the national registry exam and to prepare you to move from being an EMT to being a paramedic and then helping you as a paramedic challenge the RN NCLEX exam. Did you know that as a paramedic with certification in health coaching you can earn up to $150 an hour? Many of our EMT and paramedic students earn their Health Coach certification through Health Coach Allianceand begin to work as professional health coaches while they're completing the rest of their academic preparation has paramedics. What a great way to rise quickly through the ranks iparamedics score to make your application stand out if you were trying to apply for fire department position.

50% of Americans who enter College do not complete their degrees. Do you have heart of a degree done? Schedule an initial session with summitt coaching Solutions and in that very first two hour work session you'll be good the process of completing that degree regardless of your age how old does credits may be! Don't waste what you began! Let us help you finish it, many times through online education, under the personal guidance of your Academic Coach.

Summitt coaching Solutions leads the nation in providing the highest level of coaching for all eight realms of life.. our academic coaching is just the beginning.

At summit coaching Solutions his to make professional coaching available and affordable for all people.

You only get one life

..... Take a Coach


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3 employees
17 years in business
Serves Colorado Springs , CO
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skanda R.

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February 16, 2023

Frequently asked questions

New academic coaching clients begin with a 2hr working session. We build assessment into every session so no time is wasted. 

I hold a Bachelor's in Education and a Masters and PhD in Nursing. My Coaching Certification was through Coach Training Alliance and I hold ICF and IOC Certification. I have been coaching the NCLEX-RN and Board exam prep for Nurse midwifery and Family Practice Nursing all over the US since 1998 and coaching SAT/ACT, GRE/GMAT MCAT and DCAT since 200 to 2004.
My sessions are $75 and include 120 minutes of work for high school and college students and 90 minutes for all others. Clients preparing for the NCLEX RN and Board Exams in Midwifery, Nurse Midwifery and Family Practice Nursing have a schedule that is developed individually based on the scheduled date of their exam and rates are based in our affiliation with their school for many.
I've been teaching all my life. Other girl's had baby dolls ...I had a classroom of dolls and stuffed toys! I taught ballet to younger children while studying classical ballet myself. And I tutored starting in 5th grade through Future Teachers of America. I fell in love with health education in university and studied this at the University of Houston. After a half year of substitute teaching high schoolers- who, when I was 20 knew much more about drugs and sex and such than I did-I returned to school and earned a Master's in Nursing and became a NurseMidwife. This work is all about teaching, both parents and I tern midwives....and often, OBs. When my husband died at 38, leaving me, at 35 with 4 kids under 12, I left full-time clinical medicine and accepted roles in corporate healthcare, legal medical consultancy and academics. I have been a professor of nursing, healthcare ethics and economics and professional coaching. For many years I traveled across the US teaching the NCLEX Board exam prep course and then developed a more intense program for my own company. We have brought pass rates up from less than 40 percent to over 95 percent in partner schools and helped thousands of international nurses and midwives qualify for practice in the US. But always I have loved working with highschool and college students and those preparing for grad school. To me there is no such thing as someone being "college material" or "not college material" there are students; human beings, and each one needs gaps filled in so they can succeed. That's my job....educational pothole filler! In 2012 I yet again returned to studies personally and in 2016 I completed Rabbinical Seminary. I was ordained in 2017 and served as the Senior Rabbi for the Chesed Jewish Community today. This is a progressive community of constant, lifelong learners, social activists and community care providers. I am blessed to be their servant. Like most Rabbis I hold two full time positions, or sort of full-time. I live and work from France, having moved here in June 2020, and am fortunate to be able to serve as academic coach for my US students on great web-based platforms. No more worrying if a SAT preparing student in Colorado will make it home on icy roads. No more canceled sessions due to weather or sickness. In fact, during Covid my schedule went from full to very, very full and I also started offering group prep for AP exams and exams in nursing courses. Retirement? NEVER! (I am far to young to consider it.) But why would anyone retire? Coaching is too much fun! My mission in life is simple, I exist in this time, in this place, for the purpose of making complex things accessible and to motivate authentic change. It's a journey and I enjoy it every day.
I work with college students in nursing, and in graduate nursing programs, those in EMT and paramedic programs, certified professional midwifery, and doula students and students medical school as well as those in graduate programs of psychology. I also work with students preparing for entrance exams seeking admission to college, graduate ,medical school and dental school. I coach students writing a thesis or dissertation and I coach those designing their career trajectories.
It's very important that the person who provides academic coaching for you is up to date on the specific exam you're taking. I spend about 30 hours a year studying each of the exams that I coach students to prepare to take. There are major changes in the NCLEX and MCAT exams and major changes coming in the SAT and GRE and to a lesser extent in the ACT exam. For high school students who are sophomores or are in the summer between the sophomore and junior year your most important exam is not your upcoming SAT it's the PSAT. This is the only exam that can get you a full ride scholarship to University in the US today unless you are a great athlete. The National Merit scholarship program is all about this exam. Friends, this exam is how I was able to afford University even though my parents were in their 60s and retired. I won a National Merit Scholarship sponsored by a company. It paid 100% of my tuition fees room and board and even gave me enough money for books.... Those heavy things we used to carry around.... And to fly back and forth from Houston to Buffalo, New York three times a year. I went to college free because of this PSAT exam. So could you! For me it was worth probably $30, 000 but for you 4 years of University will cost upwards of $200,000 to $300,000. And the good thing is that if you don't use it for your first two years of school because instead you do something smart like straighter line you can use the last 2 years of a National Merit scholarship to get your master's degree done and that's being a smart scholar! But the PSAT is changing dramatically next year (2023) and more and more I see school districts not allowing all of their students to take the exam. That is criminal! You have the right to sit this exam and you have the right to prepare for it but it takes time and effort. If you are a sophomore you have time and if you're a freshman in high school you have time. Divide 200,000 by the number of hours that you need to prepare for this exam and it's very much worth your time! Of course you still have to get in to the university's where you might want to use this but a magic thing happens as you're preparing that hard for this exam that covers reading, writing and math. You learn how to learn and then you learn how to show the world what you've learned. I will be offering special classes for PSAT prep in a group model this year covering one skill per session. We will offer two sessions a week, 50 weeks during the year from June 1, 2023 to Sept 15 2024 open to students who have finished their freshman year of high school. Each session is one hour in length and has 3 hours of home work practice. I will also offer a summer intensive 5 days a week (Mon through Fri) from 7am to 9am for students who have finished their sophomore year of high school and are seriously preparing for their PSAT in fall. This runs from the last week of May through the third week of August when school starts and is followed by weekend sessions on Saturdays and Sundays until the PSAT exam. To make this affordable I have sought underwriting from several sources. Because of this and because it is taught in a large group format the cost is affordable to all. It is affordable because we've put the fees on a sliding scale basis based on family income. It's not free but students can earn the cost themselves through a few hours of babysitting or grass cutting or lifeguarding. For more information about any of our programs at Summit Coaching Solutions Inc or just to ask me a question, please drop me a note on this site. I promise to get back with you very quickly.
If anyone asks you what you want to be when you grow up tell them "older ." You see, you will not be one thing, you are becoming many. What makes what you do for a living more important than the fact that you may raise a child to become an adult human being, or you may in life be the partner of a man or woman with whom you share your life and theirs intensely? What makes what you make money doing more important than all of the roles you will fill for which you will not be paid. I'm a rabbi. but if you had asked me when I was 15 what I was going to be I would have said that I was going to be a professional dancer in a ballet company. Then, after time in NY, I realized that that was not going to happen. Instead I became a health educator and then a nurse midwife, then a professor and project development coordinator, a legal nurse consultant, and a Professional Coach. That was accompanied by years of political activist work fighting for healthcare equity and that led me to rabbinical seminary. You are on your own journey. So instead of that silly question ask yourself what is it that I'm on the Earth to do, just as I am and just as I can become, in this time and in this place, and who am I here to serve? I often ask my coaching clients of any age the same thing. If I gave you a billion dollars and endless resources what is the one problem on Earth that you are uniquely qualified to solve and that you are so passionate about that you would jump out of bed every morning and run to go solve it even if you were never receiving a penny for doing so? Figure out that and then prepare yourself to solve some piece of that problem. Maybe you'll do it through your work or maybe you'll do it by starting a business and earning money and putting money towards that problem. Maybe you'll do it in great part as a parent raising solid children to become solid adults in a strong loving family. I personally think there's a lot of great education that prepares you for that role. Or maybe you'll do work that meets your needs and out of your family in that you're very good at but you'll spend your vacation time volunteering to solve some problem. I serve in search and rescue with my half wolf- half German Shepherd, Leila'h. We are not the fastest team, and now that she is 10 we don't go into ruble situations like earthquakes. But when a 94-year-old great great grandmother wants to play cache-cache, aka hide and go seek at 4:00 a.m. and gets lost in the woods behind her home,my "girl" can find her in 5 minutes. And even in a blizzard we can find people who go off trail..... then we alert ski patrol to go get the fools out of whatever dangerous place they've gotten themselves into.... Everyone has their roles to play. If you ask me to help you get a really high grade on your SAT or GRE I will gladly tell you no. But if you ask me to help you really learn the skills that will get you those High grades on those exams and which you can then use and which you promise me you will use every day in University for graduate school, then you are worthy of the investment in academic coaching both in terms of the money it costs and more importantly your time and mine. I have become a subject expert in creating career trajectories for American students who want to complete their undergraduate degrees at almost no cost and preserve their GPA by getting the first 60 hours done on a pass/fail basis. I partner with Straighter Line to do this. Students can complete 60 to 90 hours of academic work that is transferable to over 2,900 universities and do so for less than $2,000. Better still, highly motivated High School juniors and seniors can do this well they are going to high school and homeschool home educated High School sophomores through seniors can finish those courses at straighter line and a full bachelor's degree before they finish High School. Then they can use a couple of years at graduate school becoming very competitive in their field or very competitive for admission to medical school or law school or college of veterinary medicine etc. I work with people who want to be advanced nurse practitioners and do it the smart way. Hint, you don't do it by getting an associate degree in nursing or even a bachelor's degree in nursing first. Get your bachelor's degree in a field related to what you want to do, business if you want to own your own practice, emergency Management if you want to be a trauma specialist, psychology if you want to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner, project management and human resource development if you want to rise in nursing management. All of those degrees can be done through straighter line and partner schools like Colorado State University where the first 60 hours are done past fail to preserve your GPA. And the remaining courses are much easier to keep that GPA up high then our classes that involve huge projects and lots of papers. Save the money and take only the specific science classes needed, after first taking them through straighter line, so you can be certain to make the A that's necessary in each. Then spend your money getting a great doctorate in nursing science or doctorate in nursing practice and becoming an advanced practitioner or sit the MCAT and go to medical school. A fun pathway for many is earning their EMT well taking straighter line classes and then going on to do the two years necessary to become a paramedic well finishing their bachelor's degree in Emergency Management or in health science through programs that give paramedics a great deal of credit for the work they've done. Many of the advanced practice programs reserve spaces for paramedics making it easier to become an advanced practice nurse and paramedics can challenge the RN NCLEX exam. Of course my adrenaline junkies who do that end up practicing as paramedics for quite a while.... because that's where the action is! Want to be a lawyer? There are far too many of them. However if you have a degree in a specialty at the bachelors and Masters level then you can go from law school straight into a special practice using your advanced knowledge in another field. For instance, if you have a bachelor's degree in business and human relations or public administration and city planning and then go to law school you'll come out with offers to work for a city as their city manager, or for a healthcare system as corporate counsel if you have a healthcare background. Want to be a Rabbi? We all have other jobs! So do my friends who are ministers and imams. After the covid pandemic shutdowns I think our undergrad degrees should be in how to use electronic platforms and how to make a whole lot of lunches for people stuck at home and give teenagers who really miss being with their friends things they can do together while still being 6 ft apart. My other job is being the person who picks up the beer and pizza for the oneg after services on Friday night. I prepared for that when I was 7 and learned how to pull a wagon through the streets. Oneg is what makes the Friday night shabbat service for my congregation the place to be in town on a Friday evening. Skill set? Knowing what people need. What do you need? How can I help?

Services offered

College Admissions
Social Sciences
Reading And Writing Tutoring
Test Prep Tutoring