Tutoring For Success
We give students the skills they need to excel in school, both in their subject areas and on the standarized tests; SAT/ACT/SSAT.
With an individualized approach to each student, we customize our program to fit your needs; whether that's getting into your dream college or passing your math class.
What sets us apart from other companies:
1. We provide a detailed e-mail report after every session so parents can easily see what we covered and the areas that may need further work.
2. A tracking system particularly helpful for those preparing for the standarized tests: SAT/ACT/SSAT. We can see which strategies work best for them and thus we can continually adapt our sessions to your child's needs.
3. With the SAT/ACT and SSAT, we give students the strategies they need to excel. After 30 years of working with all types of students, I have come to see that any and all students can achieve a top score with the right preparation. This is exactly what I provide by showing them the strategies they need to unlock the questions on the exam.
We have had over 12 top colleges and universities give EACH of our students a complete full ride (equal to about $320,000) because we significantly raised their SAT/ACT test score. This is merit based money and does not have to be paid back.
I have repeatedly been voted BEST TUTOR IN MARIN, 2020, 2018. Thank you students!
I love to see students thrive with less stress and more joy. My job is to make their academic lives more at ease. I love to see when my students "get it"; they learn to stop struggling and fighting against what they may not like and acquire the skills to move forward.
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I like to find out what their concerns and needs are. Rather than focus on how they got to where they are (ie they didn't like the teacher, they just moved here, etc), I prefer to focus our attention on moving forward and how we can begin to get great results. Thus, wherever they are is where we start.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I am fortunate to have had a great education. Not only do I know the content material, but most importantly I know how to bring out the best in each student. Rather than struggling, I show them how they can add ease to their life, thus freeing up energy to excel.
I liken their progress to swimming in a river; it is much easier, and a lot more fun, to swim with the current rather than fight against it by swimming upstream.
I always tell my students that a great education comes in handy. Most importantly it gives you options and it is very nice to have options.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
The pricing structure varies depending upon the service requested. There is a structure for subject tutoring (ie Algebra, Writing, Spanish, etc) and another one for standarized test prep (SAT, ACT, SSAT). And withing these structures there are packages to choose from that are discounted from the hourly rate. Thus, it is best to contact us so that we can see what works best for you.
How did you get started teaching?
I started my own tutoring practice because it is so much fun both working with students and watching them excel.
I enjoy working one on one with students rather than working in a larger classroom setting.
What types of students have you worked with?
Over the years, I have worked with all types of students. Some students are struggling to pass a course so they don't have to repeat a course they already don't like. Of course there are those students who come to me with a strong dislike for a subject, particulary math. And that is fine. All I ask is that they want to work with me. If they can say that, then we will make progress.
Others are reaching for a top college and although their grades may be great, they choose to work with me as I make their lives so much easier.
The top tier of students and those who have very little time perhaps because they are competing in a particular sport, value my services because by working with me, they are more efficient with their time. Basically they do not have the luxury of extra time and they need to structure their limited time very carefully.
Most importantly, once they see how effective the strategies are, most students feel a huge relief; now they have a roadmap as to how to move forward. And this significantly adds to building up their self esteem.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
An invitation to attend one of my student's graduation. I was honored to be told by one of the teachers that one of my students had received the school's award for "most improved student." The teacher said that he was sure I had something to do with it and he invited me to the graduation. It was a wonderful ceremony.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Most importantly, ask yourself if this a good fit for you. It is truly amazing what a student is capable of with the right fit.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
Ask themselves what they want to get out of this class, this assignment, this semester......
What would make their academic lives easier?
What do think the teacher can offer them?
What spefically do they need in terms of support? (ie more time, more examples, more times to practice such as practice quizzes)