Club Z! In-Home Tutoring
For the last twenty years, Club Z! Tutoring has provided excellent tutors in all grades and subjects from Common Core Math and Reading to AP Calculus and Physics. Our professional tutors have completed their college degree, obtained at least 2 years' experience, and have completed a background check through California DOJ and the FBI. We schedule around your busy schedule and send the same tutor for each session. All of our staff are passionate about education, knowledgeable in variety of techniques and curriculum--including Common Core, and have a lot of experience working with learning disabilities of all types. Please visit our website at www.clubz.com/sacramento and look at what we have to offer. You can also speak with one of our highly trained and compassionate staff by calling (916) 999-1995. We look forward to helping you succeed!
Our staff love working with students that have had dificulty in te past and help them reach that "ah ha" moment. Seeing a student get something they've had trouble with is very fulfilling.
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Our experience with a student begins with our educational consultant over the phone. Our staff listen to each family, take notes for our in-home staff, and set up a free consultation for our Sacramento Area Director to meet with each student. At that consultation, our Area Director's job is to identify the issue we are trying to help solve and recommend the correct course of action. Our Area Director then discusses each new student with the rest of our staff and a tutor is placed to help that student. Our Area Director then follows up to make sure that everything is proceeding according to plan and to ensure that results meet the parents' expectations.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
All our staff have completed a college degree relative to the subject(s) they will be tutoring. Our Area Director verifies that education has been completed satisfactorily. Annual training on Common Core, educational policy, and effective teaching methods are provided on an ongoing basis. Topics include Brain/Body Compatible Teaching, Highly Effective Teaching, and Common Core.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Our prices are a standard rate of $49.00 per hour. Periodically, we have specials. These are typically around back to school, SAT dates, and with commitments. Our standard program is a monthly service with no long-term contract.
How did you get started teaching?
I received a grant to conduct research in Japan on Japanese foreign policy for my thesis. While living in Japan, I began to teach English as a second language with adult professionals--mostly in the banking, legal, and government sectors. I discovered how much I enjoyed helping students overcome the obstacles they face. After completing my research, I moved back to Sacramento and started teaching English as a Second language. Our tutoring program grew from there to include over 30,000 students in all grades and subjects.
What types of students have you worked with?
Club Z Tutoring provides tutoring to many different types of students. While oftentimes, students may struggle with very similar concepts, the truth is that students can be very different. We have worked with students that have 4.0 GPA's and near-perfect SAT scores, students that have struggled with reading from Kindergarten through High School, and those who have taken Algebra I for three years in a row. Our tutors are as varied as our students--different skillsets are required for different students--and they bring their own personalities, skills, and experience to the table.