Jeff Railey, 6X Champion Boxer & GANADOR
My name is Jeff Railey. I have achieved 25 years of experience working as a substitute teacher and as a tutor. I'm a male and 52 years young. Currently, I work as a substitute teacher for the Sweetwater Union High School District (19 years of experience). I possess an Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Mild To Moderate Disabilities). I also have an Autism Specialization. I'm very positive, youthful, professional, and I provide practical instruction to all my students. As stated above, I have a strong background in working with students with special needs (primarily autism and AD/HD). My strengths are definitely reading, writing, history, social studies and basic math. Also, I'm a strong Christian. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and I'm there to help your children succeed, not to evangelize them. I state that because my intentions are good. Also, I'm a competitive athlete. I'm a 6X Champion Masters Boxer. All my students love me and look forward to me making a positive difference in their lives! It's my primary goal and objective to help you children achieve the highest grade possible based on their work ethic.