Home to the perfect score tutor!
We don't just tutor or prepare students for tests, we prepare them to become contributing members of society. We closely work with students in three categories -- academic, personal, and leadership.
We take a holistic approach to college readiness.
Thinque Prep specializes in the personalized mentorship of students and their families through the entire pre-college process. With so many recent changes to college admissions process -- standardized tests, financial aid, the application process -- the educational landscape has never been more competitive or confusing. We are here from the first summer program to the last college acceptance letter. Our experts even provide support for students who need pre-professional support in college. It's never too early to start thinking about college, so give us a call for a complimentary consultation today!
There's nothing as satisfying as helping a young person figure out what is best for them in terms of college and career readiness.
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