Maia Lazar Tutoring

Maia Lazar Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


I believe every student is capable of doing more than they think they can. Having a student regain their self confidence in the classroom and in their abilities is one of my proudest moments as an educator.

I enjoy helping my students and clients find motivation and self-confidence in achieving their goals and improving their skills. Seeing children rediscover the joy in learning and in the "small things" is one of the many aspects of educating I enjoy.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
8 years in business
Serves Los Angeles , CA
Offers online services

Payment methods

Venmo, Apple Pay

Social media


Services needed

Preparing for standardized tests, Writing essays, Selecting colleges, Completing applications

Student's grade level

High school Freshman, High school Sophomore, High school Junior, High school Senior, High school graduate

Session frequency

More than once a week, Once a week, Recommended by professional

Photos and videos

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    Ask this tutor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    I do a meet and greet and discuss the student's short and long term goals. I'm not here just to help. I am a problem solver and want to know the roots of the challenge.

    I have been trained with the Berlitz method and have over 5 years of teaching experience.

    $25/60 minutes and $30/90 minutes.

    $20/session if you book 6 lessons a month

    I started teaching for Berlitz Language School in Krakow, Poland 6 years ago.

    I have worked with little ones as young as 3-year-olds, and robotics/engineering professors.

    I am proud to say that I can calm a child down and help them regain their self confidence in learning.

    Just because you feel like you are struggling with something does not mean it will always be a struggle. Having a growth mindset, embracing mistakes as learning opportunities are healthy components of the learning process.

    What is it I hope to accomplish? What do I need help with? What are my expectations?

    Services offered

    College Admissions
    Special Needs
    Reading And Writing Tutoring
    Test Prep Tutoring