Additional Services

Additional Services

Offers online services
Offers online services


I am just starting my business. I would like the business to grow to where I am able to offer, exectuve functioning classes, job skills training, buddy peer programs, cooking classes, etc. This company will provide accademic tutoring, as well as, other essential skills that the school system tends to leave out. As a teacher, I see that the school systems have failed students with disabilities. My goal is to offer additional services that will prepare them for life. I will focus on creating inclusive opportunities and preparing them for a future of independence.

As a classroom teacher, I have felt inadequate and not able to meet the needs of all of my students. Many of the children require that one-on-one instruction which does not happen often. I love tutoring because I see the growth and progress the kids make and more rapidly than in the classroom.


1 employee
3 years in business
Serves Elk Grove , CA
Offers online services


Grade level

Pre-kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle school, High school, College / graduate school, Adult learner


Math, Reading, Writing, Science, Executive function, Other

Photos and videos

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    Frequently asked questions

    Before meeting with the students, I will have a consultation with parents. I also would like to view their current IEP and have student and parent complete questionaires. Parents are my greatest resource and I really try and stay true to the goals they are focussed on for their child. After reviewing everything, I will plan lessons based on the student individual needs.  After I have built a repoire with the student, I will informally and formally assess him on the areas of concern and continue to provide data driven instruction.

    I have a Master in Special Education and a mild/moderate and moderate/severe credential. I also hold a valid teaching credential in Ca. I have 10+ years of teaching students with all disabilities and from grades K-12th. I have recently been tutoring and find this to be more rewarding than a classroom teacher. I am also currently working in a classroom, but would like to grow my business and commit full time. 

    Yes, I charge $40 per hour but if the parents sign up for 3 hours per. Week I charge $100.
    I started as an aide in a classroom.
    Special Education students, general Ed students, kinder to Seniors in high School.
    I was finishing my final day with one of my students and he said I love you Mrs. Nichol can I have. Hug? I cried and he was crying. I loved that!
    I would look for a teacher that does it not only as a job, but it is their passion to see children succeed. You will get a lot more from then as they will find creative ways to help you understand the concept. Some teachers teach the same to every student and don’t understand how to teach to the individual learning needs of that particular student.
    Ask the teacher what they will do if you are not understanding the concept? Ask how they plan their instruction? Instruction should be data driven and based on informal assessment of where the student is. In tutoring, it is more about teaching those foundational skills that may be causing the disruption in learning. For reading I would ask what curriculum to they plan to use? If none, run!

    Services offered

    Special Needs
    Reading And Writing Tutoring