Student First Tutoring

Student First Tutoring

5.0(1 review)
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No child learns the same, so my main priority as a tutor would be to understand what teaching styles and concepts a student flourishes with so I can try to apply them to the subjects they may struggle with. I work hard to make sure the student's personality and style is present, and personalize my advice and tutoring around what your child specifically needs to learn. Tutoring can sometimes dependent on having the tutor there to teach strategies and skills, but I want to be able to help a child understand ways to learn by themselves as well to foster an independence and growth that will be fundamental later on.

I believe that one of the greatest gifts and privileges a child could recieve is a good education, thus I want to improve educational experiences. I want a student to experience the wonder and passion in a subject they might not necessarily like to spark a holisitc love for academics. I love meeting new people and being able to learn what they love and don't love and what makes them light up on the inside and what makes them groan and uninterested. Getting to know my students and helping them explore a subject in a way they are genuinely interested is a wonderful feeling and the best part of being a tutor.


Serves Scottsdale , AZ
Offers online services


0 reviews


Varenya C.

Amazing tutor. Very smart and helpful :)
... Show more
June 29, 2020

Frequently asked questions

I am focused on understanding where a child struggles and how they want to learn so I first want to determine what areas of the subject they like and don't like, and what ways they like to study or interact with the subject. Depending on how they like to study, I then make a personalized curriculum that will help them get used to and improve in the areas they don't understand in a manner that engages them, whether it be quizzes, personal motivation, humor, videos, practice problems, etc. 

I was involved in my schools free tutoring services for five years about, and have been tutoring in a broad area of subjects with an emphasis on humanities for about three of those years. I was one of the heads for tutoring fifth and sixth grade students my senior year. I also interned at my local library with the youth librarians, as a part of my AP Research Capstone where I researched ways to improve an aspect of literacy within storytime, focusing on developing readers' literacy and word recognization. I have received national honors by placing top five in the nation for  WordWright, a contest that focuses on reading comphrension. Additionally, I have done many classes and activities that revolve around writing, logic, and research skills such as but not limited to Speech and Debate, AP Seminar, and Capstone Lit Theory. I scored an 800 on my Literature SAT Subject test and a 760 on my US History SAT Subject test. Scored 5's on the English Literature, English Language, US Government, US History, Psychology, and Seminar APs. Recieved National AP Scholar once for 2019, and AP Scholar with Distinction twice for 2018 and 2019. 

I have always loved education and learning, and one of my biggest goals was sharing my passion and knowledge with people who might struggle in areas I understand. So when my school allowed to sign up for peer tutoring in seventh grade I immediately enrolled and was placed as a teachers assistant for pre-Algebra. That allowed me to discover how amazing it was to watch someone understand what I taught them and to start liking or not dreading similar problems. I loved being able to work with someone personally rather than in a set method, and to explore what they needed for improvement based on their feedback. 

I typically have worked with younger kids who are in fifth or sixth grade. I also have worked with some high schoolers in areas of public presentation and writing. 

As I specialize in reading and writing mainly, I would say find a teacher who can find a book that your eyes light up in wonder or at the very least makes you want to know what happens next. The joy in reading comes from relation or interest, and there are thousands of subjects within literature so availability should never be an issue. Additionally, for writing, a teacher should understand a students voice and writing style and work hard to provide feedback that allows the student to strengthen their work without losing their personality, rather than editing the paper and providing them general feedback. That advice can also be general, because a tutor should be there to help a child succeed individually in the manner that best suits them as no child learns the same. 

What do they like about a subject and what they find hard are necessary questions to dertermine benchmark progress. Aditionally students should think about ways they find learning fun, and what makes learning boring to try and understand the best and most efficient way to engage them mentally.

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