I am an engaging, fun, and intuitive tutor. This means that I am able to adapt my teaching style to meet the needs of my students and I do my very best to make learning a joyful experience. Also, I am unusually able to identify my students' learning/thinking strength and help them use it to their advantage.
I have a very broad range of experience from pre-K, where I have helped children get comfortabe with exerting mental energy in new ways, through college undergrad level, where, depending on the subject matter, I have been successful as a kind of study coach, helping students organize and internalize information in a wide variety of subjects.
In the Language Arts area my skills include teaching young children to read and helping all students through Highschool level with reading comprehension--from "Curious George" through Shakespeare. My skills as a writing coach draw on teaching students to organize information and express their thoughts creatively.
I am also very proud to help students make friends with MATH. Having struggled with math as a child, I have learned how to learn math and am quite skilled at allaying math anxiety. I am familiar with several different math curricula including, but not limited to Eureka Math, Saxon Math, Math-u-see, McGraw-Hill, Holt, and Marshall Cavedish.
Other areas of tutoring I have worked in include ESL, Highschool Biology, Spanish, GED test prep, and teacher certification test prep.
Finally, I have worked with a handful of neurodiverse students. Though I am not certified in this area, being fairly empathetic and intuitive I am pleased to say that I witnessed each of them gain success in the sublects we worked on together.
I find tutoring to be very rewarding. It is an energizing experience for me to get to know my students, identify their strengths and gifts and use them to develope their own learning style. Being an encouraging influence and helping each of my students, regaradless of age, gain self-confidence gives me joy.