Hannah Nevin
Hi there!
My name is Hannah Nevin and I am a current college student at Arizona Christian University.
I have been an English tutor here for the past 3 years, and I have hours of experience writing essays for school and for outside opportunities.
I love helping students succeed and learn how to think critically and write well.
When I meet with a student, I make things simple by asking what project they are working on, and what support they want from me. Then, I equip students with the tools they need to succeed so they can learn to be self-reliant and write excellent papers on their own.
When I help students with their English assignments/essays, I will go over their work word-by-word, line-by-line to analyze their word choice, sentence structure, and the over-all flow of the paper. Then we will go over it together and talk about how it can be better.