TK Tutoring

TK Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


TK has over 16 years of teaching experience. Combining my knowledge of researched best practices and creative methods that allow room for children to discover their strengths while extending their learning leads to success. My ultimate mission is to help students meet their goals and increase their confidence.


1 employee
25 years in business
Serves LRAFB , AR
Offers online services


Grade level

Pre-kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle school, High school, College / graduate school, Adult learner


Reading, Essay writing, Creative writing, Handwriting, Spelling, Grammar, Learning English as a 2nd language

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Frequently asked questions

I like to begin with a "get to know you" type of interview with both the parent and the student as well as a needs assessment and learning style profile. 
A general pre-test will follow to determine specific areas of growth and improvement. These results will be shared with the parent and student.  
Then, once focused sessions begin, they will include fun warm-ups, direct instruction, individual practice, assessments, and enrichment.
I like to incorporate music and movement as well as student interests to help increase motivation, engagement and make the learning experience more child-centered. 

Bachelors of Science Elementary Education 

Master of Arts Educational Leadership 

16 years of teaching experience- Pre-K thru 6th grade; all subjects 

High quality professional development 

Standard pricing: $40/hour

**Prices can be customized for families with multiple children or students in need of tutoring of multiple subjects. 

I have always wanted to be a teacher, ever since I was 8 years old. I love helping children learn, probably because I love to learn. I love to read, use my hands, explore and have new experiences! 
I know how difficult or unpleasant a school year can be when a child continues to struggle, so I count it a privilege to be able to help them get over that "hump" and have their "aha" moment!

I have been very fortunate to  work with every type of student.
Grades Pre-K thru 6th.  I spent the first half of my career working in Title 1 schools and focused on helping students improve their reading and math deficiencies. The second half of my career was spent working with children who were gifted and talented as well as in need of remediation. 

Any student who works with me needs to know that I will expect them to bring their best self every time we meet! And I will bring my best self! Be ready to make the most of our time together with Hard Work that will be rewarded in fun and creative ways! 

Services offered

Reading And Writing Tutoring